Monday, May 26, 2014


Hello there!! Can you believe we're already creating projects for the 4th of July collection?! :) The year flying by so very fast!! Well, when I think 4th of July, I think of parties, parades...basically a lot of fun and sunshine filled days. With this in mind, I created a Kaleidoscope! :)

It's very simple to make. All you need are:
1) Cylinder shaped bottle. (I've used an old Pringles Potato Chips bottle)
2) 3 2x6 sized mirror strips and 1pc of 1.5x1.5x1.5 triangular shaped mirror

1) Tape the 3 strips to form a triangle.
2) At one end, using tape, adhere the triangle shaped mirror. This is so that you get reflections which is what the Kaleidoscope is famous for
3) Drop (gently LOL) the constructed triangular piece into the box
4) Fill up the box with brads and sequins and what-nots.
5) seal the bottle with a transparent lid so you can see through! :)

Some close-ups, I put tonnes of layering made up of stickers, pinwheels and doodle-pops

What it looks like inside once I've put in little brads and sequins

Materials Used:

1 comment:

Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment on my post! It inspires me to create more! xoxo :)